NEW myTines GO

The young patient came to our attention for the replacement of an old composite restoration and with an interproximal lesion on molar 36. The following images show the step-by-step direct composite restoration procedure using myQuickmat Forte kit (Polydentia) in combination with myTines Small and myTines Medium (Polydentia). myTines Small are very useful tools when restoring cavities in young permanent teeth featuring short crowns. ...

Class II (interproximal) decay involves the proximal surface of a posterior tooth and it is a common occurrence in many dental patients. One challenge for the clinician is to accurately recreate a physical contact to the adjacent tooth and, at the same time, to restore proper interproximal anatomic form. This case involves a teenager 16 years old with an interproximal lesion in his left lower molar (#36)....

A 28 years old male patient came to our attention complaining of pain by chewing and some sensibility in correspondence of the first Quadrant. A preliminary clinical evaluation and bite X-rays evidenced the presence of multiple primary and secondary carious lesions on premolar 15 and molars 16 and 17 under previous composite restorations. ...

The patient came to our attention for the replacement of an old amalgam on molar 26. The following images show the step-by-step direct composite restoration procedure using myQuickmat Forte kit (Polydentia) in combination of the myTines Small and myTines Large (Polydentia). The myTines Large are a very useful tools when restoring wide cavities even in case of a missing cusp. ...