Interested in how our products perform in real life? Then take a look at our clinical cases, where you can see how our solutions are developed to attain better results in aesthetics and conservative dentistry, both for anterior and posterior restorations.
The patient came to the practice for aesthetic rehabilitation; the analysis revealed old and damaged composite restorations requiring replacement on incisors 11 and 21. The following case provides a step-by-step description of a
The patient came to our practice for a routine check-up. An initial analysis revealed a class IV carious lesion on lateral incisor 12. We decided to eliminate the carious lesion and proceed with a direct composite restoration of t
The patient came to our practice for the aesthetic modification of multiple diastemas and defective restorations between teeth 11-21 and 21-22; we also took the opportunity of the treatment to improve the overall aesthetics of the
A 28-year-old female patient, without any systemic medical conditions presented with a carious lesion affecting both molar 46D and 47M. The following case illustrates the direct composite restoration of the lesion using the Polyde
The patient came for a consultation complaining of discomfort at tooth 36 when chewing. Molar 36 presented a very old composite restoration with initial disto-occlusal infiltration. We decided to carry out an OD restoration that
A male teenager came to our office feeling pain in the upper left quadrant. We proceeded with a Class II restoration of the first premolar without removing brackets. The following images show the step-by-step direct composite rest
A male teenager came to our office feeling pain in the upper left quadrant. We proceeded with a Class II restoration of the first premolar without removing brackets. The following images show the step-by-step direct composite rest
The young patient came to our attention for the replacement of an old composite restoration and with an interproximal lesion on molar 36. The following images show the step-by-step direct composite restoration procedure using myQu
For young patients rebuilding the anatomy in class II cavity restorations is a major issue but not making too many occlusal adjustments after finishing the layering procedures is one of the same importance aspects. The following i
Class II (interproximal) decay involves the proximal surface of a posterior tooth and it is a common occurrence in many dental patients. One challenge for the clinician is to accurately recreate a physical contact to the adjacent
The patient, a 25 years old male came to our attention presenting a dentoalveolar trauma with fracture of incisor 21 and partial chipping of incisal edge on 11. Since no pulp exposure was observed, we decided to proceed to the imm
The young patient came for a periodic checkup. After a preliminary analysis we found a class II mesial carious lesion on primary molar 6.5. Since the dimensions of the carious lesion were limited, we decided to proceed with a dire
A 28 years old male patient came to our attention complaining of pain by chewing and some sensibility in correspondence of the first Quadrant. A preliminary clinical evaluation and bite X-rays evidenced the presence of multiple pr
The patient came to our attention for the replacement of an old amalgam on molar 26. The following images show the step-by-step direct composite restoration procedure using myQuickmat Forte kit (Polydentia) in combination of the
The following images shows the step-by-step restoration procedure using Polydentia myJunior kit.
Diamond24 and myRing Classico: 24 solutions for your Class II restorations. Read the article written by Dr. Chiodera, which explains how to get great contact points with Diamond24 and myRing Classico for Class II cavity restoratio
The following case shows the step-by-step restoration procedure using Polydentia myRing Classico separator ring equipped with the new Diamond24 silicone tubes.
A 32 years old patient came to our attention for the replacement of an old class V composite restoration on incisor 21.
The following case studies illustrate the direct composite veneering procedure using the new matrix Unica anterior from Polydentia.
The following clinical case shows the step-by-step direct composite veneers restoration using the Unica anterior matrix from Polydentia.
The patient came to our attention for esthetic rehabilitation; the analysis revealed an old damaged composite restoration that should be replaced on both incisors 11 and 21.
A young girl with two ceramic veneers in the laterals came to our attention to improve her aesthetics. We proposed to substitute the veneers with new composite ones.
The patient came to our attention for a regular check. A first analysis revealed a class III carious lesion on incisor 21. We decided to eliminate the carious lesion and proceed with a direct composite restoration of the cavity.
The patient came to our attention for esthetic rehabilitation; the analysis revealed a previous composite restoration on incisor 12 to be replaced and a carious lesion on canine 13.
The Polydentia myQuickmat Classico kit is a very efficient system for posterior class II restorations.
The Polydentia myQuickmat Forte kit is a very effective system for posterior class II restorations.
The case shows the direct composite restoration of the lesion using the Polydentia myClip 2.0 sectional matrix ring, LumiContrast sectional matrices and wooden wedges.
The case shows the direct composite restoration of the lesion using the Polydentia myClip 2.0 sectional matrix ring, LumiContrast sectional matrices and wooden wedges.