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Dr. Gerdolle – Class II MO on First Molar – myClip 2.0

Class II MO on First Molar – myClip 2.0

by David Gerdolle

doctor dentist Gerdolle

Dr. David Gerdolle

Dr. Gerdolle graduated from the Dental Faculty of Nancy in 1993. Since 1995, he has achieved many Post graduations in Prosthodontics, Forensic Medicine and Forensic Dentistry.
From 1996 to 2005 he has been Lecturer at the School of Dentistry of Nancy, and is still very active as responsible for postgraduate training of adhesive and biomimentic dentistry at the university of Paris, as well as Certified Instructor of the Academy of Biomimentic Dentistry.
Dr. Gerdolle is having a private practice in Switzerland since 2005 and his practice is dedicated to conservative and minimally invasive dentistry. Beside his academic and practice activities, he is a frequent speaker and lecturer in seminars, congresses and hands-on courses mainly in the field of restorative dentistry.  Dr.Gerdolle is also very active as author or co-author of scientific national and international publications.

case report

A 35-years-old female patient, smoker, without general pathology presented a secondary carious lesion under a previous composite restoration on molar 36.
The following case shows the direct composite restoration of the lesion using the Polydentia myClip 2.0 sectional matrix ring, LumiContrast sectional matrices and wooden wedges.


Photo 1: The excavated, prepared cavity on 36 molar after cleaning.


Picture of the cavity equipped with the myClip 2.0, LumiContrast 6.4 mm sectional matrix and orange wooden wedge.


Photo 3: Side view of the cavity equipped with the myClip 2.0, LumiContrast 6.4 mm sectional matrix and orange wooden wedge


Photo 4: Situation after removing myClip 2.0, matrix and wedge. The adaption of the ring tines allows minimum interproximal finishing at the end of the restoration.


Photo 5: Side view of the restored contact point before finishing and polishing


Photo 6: Post-op view of the restoration after finishing and polishing. An accurate proximal morphology is created between premolar 35 and molar 36.


The myClip 2.0 is a very useful tool for posterior class II restoration. It’s easy to handle, the tines have a geometry and rigidity which allow to form the matrix very effectively on the palatine and buccal walls. This saves time for the finishing steps and ensures a good proximal morphology.


gerdolle_myclip.pdf - 0.7Mb

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