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Direct composite veneers with Unica proximal – Dr. Mohammed Al Hasani

Direct composite veneers with Unica Proximal

by Dr. Mohammed Al Hasani

Dr. Mohammed Al Hasani

Dr Al Hasani graduated in Dentistry from Babylon University in 2017.
He has attended many national and international restorative dentistry courses, focusing mainly in direct composite restorations.
In 2020, he completed a StyleItaliano professional diploma course in Iraq.
Dr Al Hasani currently teaches courses in direct composite restorations, focusing on posterior composite restorations, sharing his professional passion both inside and outside of Iraq.

clinical case

The patient came to the practice for aesthetic rehabilitation; the analysis revealed old and damaged composite restorations requiring replacement on incisors 11 and 21.
The following case provides a step-by-step description of a direct composite restoration using Unica Proximal.



1: Preoperative view of central incisors 11 and 21 under isolation. First, the old restorations were removed and the surgical field was cleaned and disinfected.



2: Unica Proximal anterior matrices placed on incisors 11 and 21.
The shape optimised to fit the anterior teeth allows better visibility and surgical field access than other solutions such as posterior restoration.



3: The self-stabilising properties of the matrices do not require wedges to remain in position.



4: The proximal wall of incisor 11 was restored first; a myWedge was then used to improve matrix stability. The hollow v-shape allows the wedge to compress and adapt to the interproximal anatomy of the tooth without compromising the proximal contour.



5: Incisors 11 and 21 after restoration of the proximal walls, showing the natural proximal morphology obtained using Unica Proximal matrices.



6: Reconstruction of the palatal surfaces for teeth 11 and 21.



7: Clinical situation after composite stratification of the labial incisor surfaces and prior to finishing and polishing.



8: Finishing and polishing.



9: Final outcome – front view.


The specially designed Unica Proximal, conceived in partnership with StyleItaliano, simplifies anterior restorations and makes them faster to perform. Its shape is a step ahead of conventional posterior matrices as it makes it possible to restore mesially and distally at the same time, with full control over and visibility of the surgical area. This allows for a more predictable result.

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