Dr. Grosz – Custom rings reloaded, updates and indications – myCustom Rings Kit

Custom rings reloaded, updates and indications – myCustom Rings Kit

by Dr Janos Grosz

Dr Grosz StyleItaliano doctor dentist

Janos Grosz

Janos Grosz graduated summa cum laude in 2006 from the University of Szeged, Faculty of Dentistry, Hungary. He specialized in restorative dentistry. In all of his work Janos is striving for excellence and aiming to offer minimally invasive restorative treatments for his patients. Despite his young age he practices not only in Hungary, but he is also a registered dentist in the United Kingdom (obtained licence in 2010). He is an acknowledged lecturer and regularly runs hands-on courses about anterior direct restorations, e.g. preparations techniques in the anterior and posterior region. Being passionate about sharing knowledge and facilitate discussions both with patients and colleagues, Janos is committed to a high level of dental photography. He regularly teaches at his courses the fundamentals of dental photography and the importance of visual learning in dental communication.



Since its introduction by Jordi Manauta in 2013, the custom rings technique enjoys unparalelled popularity among restorative dentists.

We see many cases in social media and publications with custom rings used, what demostrates the effectiveness and simplicity of this technique. However, we also see some cases that could have been solved with less effort as well, hence it is important to emphasize the indications and limitations of the custom rings.

As many of us are using these customized rings on a daily basis, the members of StyleItaliano are constantly working to develop and improve the use of this technique.
Another aspect of this article is to give the reader an update of the fabrication steps. The current improvements are based on the work of Jordi Manauta and co-workers and the use of the MyCustom rings kit.

This article was first published on StyleItaliano’s website. Continue reading on styleitaliano.org

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