30 Apr Diastema restoration and direct stratification composite veneers – Dr. Osama Shaalan
Diastema restoration and direct stratification composite veneers
by Dr. Osama Shaalan

Dr Osama Shaalan
Dr Osama Shaalan was born in Gaza City, Palestine on 12/03/1988 and graduated with an excellence and honor degree from the College of Dentistry of Sinai University in 2013.
He practices aesthetic, restorative, and adhesive dentistry at his private practice in Palestine.
International lecturer on restorative and adhesive dentistry, focusing mainly on composite resin restorations.
Participation as a speaker in many local and international congresses in more than 20 countries.
Author and co-author of many articles and books on aesthetic dentistry.
Received the StyleItaliano award for the Best Follower in its community in 2018.
StyleItaliano Gold Member 2021
StyleItaliano Best Follower award
ESCD Certified member
ESCD Youngest and Most Promising Dentist award
Inventor of posterior replica instruments
Inventor of the Unica Proximal matrix for anterior teeth.
ESCD Country chairperson for Palestine
clinical case
The patient came to our practice for the aesthetic modification of multiple diastemas and defective restorations between teeth 11-21 and 21-22; we also took the opportunity of the treatment to improve the overall aesthetics of the anterior region by applying multiple direct stratification composite veneers using Unica Proximal anterior matrices.

1: Initial situation full smile

2: Preoperative photographs – retracted view showing multiple diastemas with defective restorations requiring replacement between teeth 12 and 21

3: Left side showing a small space between teeth 21 and 22.

4: Right side showing a small space between teeth 11 and 12.

5: Preoperative view of the upper jaw under isolation.

6: The surfaces of the teeth after preparation, cleaning and sandblasting.

7: Etching of the labial surfaces.

8: Frosty white appearance after efficient etching.

9: First, the palatal surfaces were restored using a Stripmat Mylar strip and the press-finger technique.

10: Unica Proximal anterior sectional matrices were then placed on 11M, 12M, 13M, 21D, 22D, 23D together to close the spaces and achieve reshaping from tooth 13 to tooth 23. The shape of the matrices allows for stable positioning, accurate proximal contour reproduction and good visibility due to the absence of excess material.

11: Immediately after matrix removal.

12: Finishing and contouring using a coarse disca.

13: Finishing the surface texture using a perio bur*
* not a Polydentia product

14: Pre-polishing using twist rubber polishers*
* not a Polydentia product

15: Polishing of the labial surfaces using Lucida polishing paste *
* not a Polydentia product

16: Immediately after final polishing.

17: Polishing of the labial surfaces – side view.

18: Immediately after rubber dam removal.

19: The immediate postoperative outcome – front view.

20: The immediate postoperative outcome – side view.

21: The immediate postoperative outcome – side view.

22: Final situation full smile.
Unica Proximal solves the problems of anterior matrices, by ensuring easy matrix placement, self-stabilisation without wedges, and outer contour prediction, as it fits the restored anterior teeth perfectly without labial and palatal matrix excess.
It is ideal for Class III and IV, diastema, reshaping, and composite veneer situations. Unica Proximal is a smart solution for everyday direct aesthetic and functional anterior restorations.
https://polydentia.ch/download-center/file/casi-clinici/en/mktg-0083-cc-en-shaalan-unica-proximal.pdfproducts used
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