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Dr. Chiodera – Class III restoration with Unica anterior

Class III anterior restoration with Unica anterior

by Dr. Giuseppe Chiodera

Dr Chiodera StyleItaliano zahnarzt zahnmedizin

Dr. Giuseppe Chiodera

Dr. Chiodera graduated in Dentistry at the University of Brescia .
In year 2004 he won a scholarship at Kings College University of London.
Member of Style Italiano, Dr. Chiodera is dedicated to conservative dentistry and endodontics and runs his private practice in Italy since 2006.
Dr. Chiodera is also author of National and International Journal articles, as well as Lecturer in many Universities.



The patient came to our attention for a regular check. A first analysis revealed a class III carious lesion on incisor 21. We decided to eliminate the carious lesion and proceed with a direct composite restoration of the cavity.

The following case study shows the step-by-step restoration procedure using the Polydentia Unica anterior matrix.

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1: Pre-operative view of incisors 11 and 21 evidencing the class III carious lesion on #21, mesial. Pre-wedging was performed to allow for a simpler matrix positioning.

Chiodera Class 3 Restoration Unica anterior

2: The clinical situation after removal of the carious lesion and cleaning of the proximal area.

Chiodera Class 3 Restoration Unica anterior

3: Etching of the cavity: it is a good practice to protect the adjacent teeth using Teflon tape.

Chiodera Class 3 Restoration Unica anterior

4: Unica anterior matrix placed on incisor 21 and fixed in place using a wooden wedge. The contoured shape of the matrix embraces the teeth and help the practitioner to better see where the proximal edge will be placed.

Chiodera Class 3 Restoration Unica anterior

5: Incisor 21 after filling the cavity with composite.

Chiodera Class 3 Restoration Unica anterior

6: Immediate post-operatory image after finishing and polishing. The contoured proximal walls of the matrix ensure an accurate proximal morphology with minimal finishing.


Unica anterior powered by Style Italiano is a powerful tool for direct composite anterior restorations.
Thanks to its contoured shape, Unica adapts correctly to the different morphologies of anterior teeth and makes it possible to restore interproximal margins, even in case of extended Class III cavities where the tooth profile is missing.

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