NEW Unica Proximal

Post traumatic rehabilitation of incisors 11-21- Unica anterior – Prof. Gilbert Jorquera

Post traumatic rehabilitation of incisors 11-21 – Unica anterior

by Prof. Gilbert Jorquera

Prof Gilbert Jorquera dentist doctor

Prof. Gilbert Jorquera

Prof Gilbert Jorquera was graduated from the dental school of the Universidad de Chile in 2005, later he studied his specialty in oral implantology at the graduate school of the Universidad de Chile and a master’s degree in University Education at the Universidad Europea de Madrid. He has dedicated his private practice of dentistry mainly to the area of aesthetic rehabilitation and the year 2017 was trained in the StyleItaliano philosophy by Dr Jordi Manauta. Prof Gilbert Jorquera currently works as Associate Professor in the School of Dentistry of the Universidad de los Andes, where he teaches in the area of oral rehabilitation, is also coordinator of the diploma of aesthetics in oral rehabilitation of the same University. Prof Jorquera is also author or co-author of scientific publications in restorative dentistry topics.

case report

The patient, a 25 years old male came to our attention presenting a dentoalveolar trauma with fracture of incisor 21 and partial chipping of incisal edge on 11. Since no pulp exposure was observed, we decided to proceed to the immediate dentinal sealing followed by the direct composite reconstruction of the tooth anatomy.

The following images show the step-by-step restorative procedure using the Unica anterior matrix.

1 Post traumatic rehabilitation of incisors 11-21- Unica anterior - Prof. Gilbert Jorquera

1: Pre-operatory view evidencing a dentoalveolar trauma with a complex crown fracture without pulpal exposure on incisor 21 and partial chipping of the incisal edge on 11.

2 Post traumatic rehabilitation of incisors 11-21- Unica anterior - Prof. Gilbert Jorquera

2: Isolation of the operatory field using a rubber dam before proceeding with the elimination of enamel without sustenance and preparation of the vestibular bevel.

3 Post traumatic rehabilitation of incisors 11-21- Unica anterior - Prof. Gilbert Jorquera

3: Installation of Unica anterior; in the present case the contoured shape of Unica allowed a stable placement, even in absence of contact points. For this reason, we decided not to hold Unica in place by wedges nor by the light-curing flowable myCustom Resin (Polydentia).

4 Post traumatic rehabilitation of incisors 11-21- Unica anterior - Prof. Gilbert Jorquera

4: Immediate dentinal sealing in dentine with Scotchbond Universal (3M).

5 Post traumatic rehabilitation of incisors 11-21- Unica anterior - Prof. Gilbert Jorquera

5: Selective enamel etching with orthophosphoric acid.

6 Post traumatic rehabilitation of incisors 11-21- Unica anterior - Prof. Gilbert Jorquera

6: Adhesive procedure: application of a universal adhesive system (Scotchbond Universal 3M).

7 Post traumatic rehabilitation of incisors 11-21- Unica anterior - Prof. Gilbert Jorquera

7: Reconstruction of the proximal profiles with Filtek Z350 Body A2. Another advantage of the contoured shape of the Unica anterior is the possibility to visualize the final contour of the tooth before proceeding with the restoration.

8 Post traumatic rehabilitation of incisors 11-21- Unica anterior - Prof. Gilbert Jorquera

8: Reconstruction of coronary fragment with Filtek Z350 Body A2 with the help of Compobrush (SmileLine).

9 Post traumatic rehabilitation of incisors 11-21- Unica anterior - Prof. Gilbert Jorquera

9: Reconstruction of coronary fragment with Filtek Z350 Body A2 with the help of Compobrush (SmileLine); Before proceeding with the final shaping and polishing, the composite was light cured and the matrix removed.

10 Post traumatic rehabilitation of incisors 11-21- Unica anterior - Prof. Gilbert Jorquera

10: The clinical situation after contouring the emergence profile and proximal walls. This image shows the tooth texture sketched on the composite surface.

11 Prof Jorquera - Riabilitazione post-traumatica con Unica anterior

11: The final anatomy of incisor 21 before polishing.

12 Prof Jorquera - Riabilitazione post-traumatica con Unica anterior

12: Final polishing with Soflex diamond spiral 3M.

13 Post traumatic rehabilitation of incisors 11-21- Unica anterior - Prof. Gilbert Jorquera

13: Immediate post-operative situation.


Unica anterior is an indispensable tool for the reconstruction of anterior teeth that have suffered dentoalveolar trauma, because its design and thickness it allows to safely return the contour, emergency profile and contact relation of the anterior teeth, reducing the clinical time in retouching later. Unica anterior also protecting the neighbouring teeth during the procedure. Unica anterior facilitates my daily clinical work.


prof_jorquera_unica_anterior.pdf - 1.2Mb

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